Tammy Mullins

Are you looking for high quality early childhood education that will prepare your child for success in life? Then you are in the right place.

Kids Central’s staff are determined to provide the highest quality of early childhood education throughout the City of Norton, Wise County, and Dickenson County, Virginia. For eligible families, Kids Central’s services are available at no cost to children ages birth to 5 and expecting families.

Kids Central’s Preschool services work with families with children ages 3 to 5. Early Head Start services work with families with children ages birth to 3, and expectant families. Kids Central delivers child development services in center-based and home-based settings. Our classroom teachers and home visitors support children’s growth from birth to age 5 through services that support early learning and development, health, and family well-being.

At Kids Central, we view families as our valued partners and strive to collaborate with parents to promote learning and development for their children.

Kids Central has established kindergarten readiness goals that are aligned with Virginia’s Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS), Birth-Five Learning Guidelines and Head Start’s Early Learning Outcomes Framework to prepare your child for success.

Kids Central believes active intentional learning is the foundation where young children gain knowledge through their natural play and interactions with the environment and other people. In Kids Central’s program, teachers ignite children’s interest in learning by creating an environment that encourages them to explore learning materials and interact with adults and peers. We focus on supporting early learners as they make decisions, build academic skills, develop socially and emotionally, and become part of a classroom or home-based community.

Whether they are cooking an imaginary dinner, building a skyscraper, or painting a masterpiece, your child will build confidence for life having fun with friends their age in our safe and supportive environments. They’ll find teachers who believe in them and give them the freedom to be themselves, try something new, and make new friends.

– Tammy Mullins, Director