The Philosophy and Practices of Nurturing Parenting course was presented at the Esserville Administrative Office for parents and staff on October 9, 2018. This parenting curriculum covers various topics to improve parenting skills and allows parents opportunities to network with other parents to discuss topics relevant to their individual situation.
Nurturing Parenting Curriculum PowerPoints
- Brain Development in Children and Teens: PDF / PPT
- The Philosophy and Practices of Nurturing Parenting: PDF / PPT
- Communicating With Respect: PDF / PPT
- Understanding Feelings: Podcast / PDF / PPT / Parent Practice Sheet
- Ages and Stages: Infants and Toddlers: PDF / PPT
- Alternatives To Spanking: PDF / PPT
- Building Self-Worth: PDF / PPT
- Dealing With Stress: PDF / PPT
- Family Morals, Values, and Rules: PDF / PPT
- Praising Children and Their Behavior: PDF / PPT